Here is a story from our friend Kim from Ann Arbor, MI. He contributed this story of a woman who is making the world a better place in SO many ways. Have a story? You can submit yours too!. Small Infinity stories are everywhere- help us collect them!
Mom * 7 children * Inspiration for others!
I just met a woman in La Coruna, Spain whose passion is making the world a better place for children. Clearly that passion manifests in how she lives every aspect of her life. She has adopted seven children, only one as a new born. Five of the children are natural siblings. This was 10 years ago and they now all speak 5 languages and are terrific children. One has an inoperable brain tumor, but the family is optimistic, grounded in moral values, and very spiritual in perspective.
Entrepreneur * Administration of Schools, etc * Thousands of Children
She also has started several businesses, the latest of which is an organization to certify all organizations that deal with children in any way . . . schools, retail stores, amusement parks, transportation companies . . . to ensure that they are safe and that they meet a modicum standard of safety and child-friendliness.
Talk about self efficacy! This woman is the embodiment of the Small Infinity spirit!